ways to give

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill

Support Us

Let’s help one another; theres no time like the present and no present like the time.

We can’t really do it without you. It’s a joint effort and we’d love to have your support.

We are on a mission passionately working for a cause that affect so many especially kids and all that we are asking for is your time and a helping hand.

You can support us in your own way. 


Everyone has a role to play in reducing obesity, including parents and caregivers, elected officials from all levels of government, schools, health care professionals, faith-based and community-based organizations, and private sector companies. Your involvement is key to ensuring a healthy future for our communities and children.

We hate seeing less fortunate communities and families deprived of something as simple and basic as a little outdoor fun which benefits your health.

Run and Play strives to build facilities and provide physical activity opportunities for underserved and underprivileged communities around the world. 

We could write paragraphs after paragraphs about this, but let’s talk instead. We’ve given you a gist of what we do and we’d love to talk about what you’d like to do with us. Click here and let’s get in touch. 

Partner With Us

Partnership is fun.

It’s analogous to the teamwork of players in a game. You win if everyone is a part of it. You lose if even one of you fails. There is nothing in the middle.

Isn’t it all worth it in the end? We think it is; because in the end we alone can do so little but together we can do so much.  

Partner with us if you feel we have the same goals and our values align. After all, doesn’t a well-known saying suggest, “The more, the merrier?”

Click here to get in touch with us and let’s fight this battle against obesity together.


Start a campaign to raise money to fight obesity and increase physical activity around the world. 

  • Sell T-shirts 
  • Throw a party
  • Grow a mustache
  • Dye your hair red
  • Celebrate your birthday
  • Run a marathon 
  • Bake cookies 
Theses are just a few of the amazing ideas you can create to raise money to combat the lack of physical activity and surge in obesity around the world.   

It takes seconds to setup. Pick a picture and a name. That’s it! Then you’re ready to start raising money to build physical activity facilities to help people and communities in need. 

Anyone can fundraise; children, adults, schools, teachers, companies, families and communities. 

Spread the word about your fundraiser and ask friends, family and co-workers to give, then sit back and watch donations roll in for indoor and outdoor physical activity facilities.   

Find a Project

Find a specific project to support.

Be a part of some of our biggest projects helping to fight obesity. We only hope to build a bigger, better and stronger community that can uproot obesity from its depths. We hope you’ll decide to be a part of it.