Create Better Community Designs To Helps Promote Physical Activity
Many people want to get regular physical activity but live in communities that lack safe, convenient places for people of all ages and abilities to be active. Run and Play aims to help billions of individuals become more physically active by 2030 through, a comprehensive approach to promoting physical activity based on strategies and new innovative methods. With support and funding from individuals, states, communities, and national organizations to collaborate with partners to create active-friendly routes to everyday physical activity destinations.
These efforts include:
- Land use and zoning policies that encourage walkability.
- Safe Routes to School programs.
- Complete Streets policies.
- Bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
- Playgrounds in every neighborhood
- Transportation planning that includes new and expanded public transit.
Create School Programs That Help Students Be More Active
Schools are in a unique position to help students get their recommended 60 minutes or more of daily physical activity. Run and Play will work with states, school districts, communities, and national partners to promote strong physical education and physical activity programs. We will provide guidance and resources for schools and parents on recess, physical education, classroom physical activity, and staff involvement, as well as ways to increase physical activity before, during, and after school.
Create Workplace Programs That Help Employees Be More Active
On average, Americans who work full-time spend more than one-third of their day, 5 days a week, at their workplace. Run and Play will works with employers and other partners to encourage physical activity in the workplace as part of workplace health model. Build and create a tool kit that provides suggestions on how to create a wellness culture, examples of what other companies have done to increase wellness at work, and resources to set up or expand a wellness program.